2025 Foundational Application of Social Engineering

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Social engineers have now exploited the Super Bowl’s defense for the second year in a row. Matthew Mills, a conspiracy theorist and independent journalist, rushed the podium Sunday night during the Super Bowl XLVIII MVP speech and spoke into the microphone before an official shooed him away. Mills claims he flashed fake credentials at several security guards on his way in without being detained. Acting confidently and as if he was pressed for time, Mills obviously succeeded in fooling everyone.

In 2013, two Savannah State University students snuck into Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans while recording the entire foray. The pair encountered police and security several times but ultimately made their way in to watch the halftime show. Again, confidence and a sense of entitlement short-circuited the human security machine.

Manufacturing confidence in a role, and maintaining that confidence in the face of a threat is key to success in social engineering. By merely acting like you belong and acting naturally, you often disarm others and diminish the need for more acting or excessive role-playing. Simple is often best!

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