2025 Foundational Application of Social Engineering
2025 Foundational Application of Social Engineering
Thank you for your interest in the 5-day course, Master’s Level Social Engineering (MLSE).
MLSE is red team training, like nothing you have ever seen before. It is the culmination of all our social engineering training. You will be spending 5-days fully immersed in social engineering and red team training. During these 5 days you will be phishing, vishing, conducting onsite reconnaissance, and performing real world red teaming.
You will be part of an adversary simulation and engage with targets who do not know they are part of the course. You will use your skills in elicitation, rapport building, phishing, and vishing. In the evenings you can test out your covert entry skills or learn new ones.
This class is limited to 16 students, held ONCE per year, and initially available by invite-only to previous students. Then if it is not filled, it will be opened to the public.
If your organization would like to book a private MLSE class, please email us at [email protected].
You can download a Justification letter here.